Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice: Why the 3% Matters

I'm Pro-Life. 

I can't remember a day I wasn't. Before I even understood the politics behind the term, it just made sense: pro-life, literally meaning you are "for life." I don't like the idea of people dying. It makes sense, right?

Because I'm a Pro-Life advocate, I tend to enter into a lot of discussions about Planned Parenthood, abortion, and the truth behind the issues. And because I hate being surprised by statistics I don't know, I do a lot of research on the subject. Like, a lot.

One statistic often used by Pro-Choice advocates is that abortions only account for 3% of Planned Parenthood's (PP) services every year. That's the official percentage tallied by PP themselves.

Someone recently wrote to me that the only reason abortion is such a hot topic is that "conservatives push and push and push and push..."

I guess when you're looking at percentages, 3% is pretty phenomenal. I mean, why fight and advocate and bicker over such a minuscule annual percentage?

THINK ABOUT THIS, THOUGH. (And I mean this with the sincerest form of respect)

What if we had a percentage for Africans who were stripped from their homes to be sold into slavery centuries ago?

What if we had a percentage for Jews killed during the Holocaust just 80 years ago?

We don't have percentages (that I could find), but we do have numbers.

According to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million enslaved Africans were shipped across the world between 1525-1866, nearly 2 million of whom died before arriving at their chosen destinations. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 6 million Jews were persecuted and murdered during the Holocaust in the 1930s and 1940s.

Do you know how many abortions have been performed since ROEvWADE?


Since 1973, 60 million babies were prematurely ripped from their entire futures, much like the Africans and the Jews. That's an irrefutable fact from the Guttmacher Institute (a huge research center that supports legal access to abortions).

So let's get this straight. Planned Parenthood is the leading abortion provider in the United States. If they only performed 38% of all abortions, they are still responsible for more deaths than enslaved Africans and Jewish Holocaust deaths combined.

Politics tend to turn a lot of no-brainer subjects into hot topics, usually just to stir the pot. No matter our political affiliations, we should all agree on these two facts: first, slavery is a sickening, repugnant blot on our nation's history; and second, the Holocaust was one of the darkest periods in modern history. The consequences of slavery still breach America’s social climate today. The horrors of the Holocaust still haunt Jewish survivors and their families.

HEAR ME WHEN I SAY: Abortion is a black hole sucking the life out of our CULTURE, our MORALITY, our HUMANITY. Abortion. Is. Genocide. We must no longer ignore its effects on our society.

When life in its weakest, most fragile form is no longer sacred, nothing is sacred.

So, there you have it. The cold, hard statistics behind why conservatives and Pro-Life advocates like myself "push and push and push and push..." Because we are living through the most selfish, heartless, manipulative genocide known in all of history. Because 3% means 321,384 lives ended way too early in one single year (pg. 31). Because we, America, are 100% responsible for it.

Where are the weeping hearts? The pleas for justice? The mourning for lost generations?

We must speak honestly, loudly, and unapologetically about the blood on our nation's hands. We must speak out against this abominable act called abortion.

Because silence is no longer an option.


Disclaimer: To my fellow Pro-Life supporters, I understand there are several legitimate reasons to believe the percentage provided by Planned Parenthood is not an honest one. However, this article was not written to dispute their claims, but to give proof that, even if the 3% statistic is true, it is still reason enough to advocate against abortion and for life. The numbers speak for themselves. Thank you for understanding
